500 West Lyndale
Robinson, Texas 76706
Map of Robinson ISD
Phone:  254-662-0194
Fax:  254-662-0215
Web Site:


PreK - 12th
Enrollment:  2300
Setting:  Suburban
District:  Robinson ISD
Location Image

Teacher Salary & Benefits
Level Starting Maximum
Salary schedule not provided
Employer    Employee
Medical Not specified
Dental Not specified

Additional Benefits Information
Additional Benefits include:
Exceptional teaching environment, supportive community and school volunteers;
Five local sick leave days per year that may accumulate to 30 (in addition to state leave);
Sick Leaving Pool;
$1,000 stipend for Math and Science (grades 9-12);
$275 per month for employee health insurance;
$1,000 stipend for Master's Doctoral degrees (if degree is not required for current position and is in related field);
$30,000 annual term life insurance policy;
Active Robinson Education Foundation that has awarded teachers over $30,000 in innovative teaching grants